
Gail Perry, CPA

CPA Practice Advisor
[email protected]
(800) 547-7377 x1782

Gail is a Publisher at Sift Media US and Editor-in-Chief at, a daily online news source for accounting professionals and those interested in the accounting profession. Sift Media US provides tools and resources that help accountants improve their jobs, their careers, and their relationships with clients and colleagues through our two Web sites, Going Concern and AccountingWEB.

About Us:

CPA Practice Advisor is the definitive technology and practice management resource for accounting and tax professionals. CPA Practice Advisor has products that deliver powerful content to you in a variety of forms including print, online, email and social media.

The magazine was founded in 1991 as The CPA Software News; was renamed The CPA Technology Advisor in 2004, and was subsequently renamed CPA Practice Advisor in February 2011, with a stated purpose to “more closely align the publication and its digital offerings to the changing needs of the tax and accounting profession.”